News & Press
Review of 'Last Show' on Indie Spoon Ful!
September 12, 2019
Hailing from Catalan, Maurice Gene is a composer, singer, songwriter and guitarist. Maurice is influenced by the sounds of the seventies (Jackson Browne, Eagles, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Tim Buckley, Bruce Springsteen…). A true Renaissance man, his talent is in many areas - he composes, records, mixes and produces all his material on his own.
Reseña de Golden Days por Manu López para El Mundo de Tulsa
July 06, 2019
Con influencias que vienen desde el otro lado del charco, Maurice Gene procedente de #Reus presenta su disco debut Golden Days (Big Tortuga Records) desde tintes folk con pinceladas rock que podemos disfrutar en cada una de los once temas que componen el disco. Influencias sementeras campas a sus anchas por este trabajo. Recordamos a Jackson Browne, Neil Young o Tom Petty entre muchos. Los más grandes de este sonido.
Crítica Musical de "Golden Days" per Esteban Linés a La Vanguàrdia
July 06, 2019
El guitarrista i compositor reusenc Maurice Gene revesteix de Folk-Rock Nord Americà dels setanta ben reforçat una sèrie de reflexions amb què és fàcil identificar-se. La recrea de la felicitat i sobretot la importancia de l’esperança narrades amb ofici sonor.
"Cry Days" sona a les Novetats de "Geografia Humana" de Catalunya Ràdio
July 01, 2019
Aquest cop el GPS del programa Geografia humana de la Maite Sadurní de Catalunya Ràdio s'ha posicionat a la primera cançó de la cara B del disc, "Gry Days". Va de Road movies!
Entrevista Canal Reus Televisió
May 28, 2019
📽️ #VACOMVA | 🎸 El cantautor i compositor reusenc Maurice Gene ha estrenat el seu primer LP, "Golden Days". 🎙️ Avui ens explica la seva trajectòria i com va començar aquest projecte en solitari.
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Reconocimiento Adalid De La Música a la Autoría de Nuevas Canciones a "Golden Days" de Maurice Gene
November 21, 2018
El Día de la Música, 22 de noviembre de 2018, queremos valorar el esfuerzo y creatividad en el sector musical respecto de la autoría de canciones de nuevo repertorio.
Hay muchísimos songwriters que día a día dan lo mejor de sí mismos componiendo e interpretando, en su caso, nuevas obras, nuevas canciones que nutren de interés la vida de los demás, siendo la banda sonora de la misma.
"Golden Days" has been featured on YouFind Music 'Share Your Sound'
November 20, 2017
You Find Music is a page that helps unsigned musicians, bands and artists by sharing their sound to music lovers. This Time has shared the music video of Golden Days! Click on the link!! More than 20K reproductions so far!! "beautifully written song and video clip"
"Golden Days" has official video directed by Roger Bessó
November 09, 2017
This is the videoclip of the song "Golden Days" by Maurice Gene. Filmed at the Delta region of the Ebre River by Roger Bessó. Wiith Abril Garcia, Marius Folk, Paul Vuigner, Marta Val and special thanks to Marc Train and Vintage Flamingo Reus.
Music for the short film "Última Sesión" composed and performed by Maurice Gene
September 21, 2017
Maurice Gene has composed the main theme and soundtrack for the short film called "Última Sesión" directed by Roger Bessó. This movie has been produced by Daniel Villanueva (ECIR) and filmed at the legendary "Cinema Reus Palace".
Un concert amb Maurice Gene i una gran festa clouran el centenari de l’Escola Prat de la Riba de Reus
June 07, 2017
El Concert de Primavera Especial Centenari tindrà lloc aquest divendres al Teatre Bartrina. L'endemà dissabte, al pati de l'escola, se celebrarà una gran festa que, entre d'altres, comptarà amb la presència de la consellera d'Ensenyament, Meritxell Ruiz
Maurice Gene (& Emma) Won't Back Down!
April 08, 2017
One day I got inspired checking out one of @skip_to_this posts about Johnny Cash covering Tom Petty’s “I won’t Back Down”. The original version is awesome, but the Man in Black did a great version honoring his own and everlasting style. Immediately I had to take my guitar to play and sing that beautiful tune, and Emma loved it so much that started to sing “Hey baby” with the passion and spontaneity of a 2 years old girl. I thank to @skip_to_this for pushing me to do this and posting it to the blog. This is just another story about, music, legacy… fathers and daughters
The Legendary Scott Hull of Masterdisk will be in charge of the mastering on Maurice Gene's new tracks.
October 31, 2016
When Maurice Gene decided to start his solo career, He knew that the audio mastering of that new project should be handled with care. He searched for a name behind the albums that influenced him most, and that name was Scott Hull. He got in touch with him, introduced his project, and now he is charge of the mastering of his songs. Now we can say that Scott Hull has worked with Bruce Springsteen, Phil Collins, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, John Mayer... and Maurice Gene 😉.
Mission accomplished. The Studio is done!
June 09, 2016
After 8 months of hard work, Maurice Gene finishes his new Apartment-Studio. This is the place where Maurice will produce his new songs, a self-produced project for an emerging indie artist.